The Pocket Testament League virtual museum

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The terrorist group Hamas wins the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections, leading to continued turmoil in the Middle East and an Israeli military response.

The 1 billionth song is purchased from the Apple iTunes Store. The League creates a limited-time special offer of a $10 iTunes gift certificate for every donation over $25.

Various probes reach their destination. NASA's Cassini-Huygens photographs the moons of Saturn while Orbiter enters Martian orbit. Europe's Venus Express enters orbit around Venus.

To counter the false messages conveyed by the motion picture "The Da Vinci Code," the League prints 50,000 copies of a special "Divinity Code" Gospel cover that is eagerly shared by members.

League membership grows to 165,000, with hundreds of members involved in the new Evangelism Boot Camp program designed to help them learn how to share their faith.

The League introduces web banners that members can place on their web sites and blogs, with built-in referrals, to encourage more Christians to share their faith.

The Impact Club is launched by the League, tracking member referrals and recognizing members who have encouraged other Christians to share their faith.

A new ESV edition of the Gospel of John is introduced for the first time, providing a new translation choice for members.

The USs population reaches 300 million based on a United States Census Bureau projection.

Since the decade began, members have shared more than 32,000 stories on the League web site, as well as hundreds of prayer requests.