The terrorist group Hamas wins the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council elections, leading to continued turmoil in the Middle East and an Israeli military response. |
The 1 billionth song is purchased from the Apple iTunes Store. The League creates a limited-time special offer of a $10 iTunes gift certificate for every donation over $25. |
Various probes reach their destination. NASA's Cassini-Huygens photographs the moons of Saturn while Orbiter enters Martian orbit. Europe's Venus Express enters orbit around Venus. |
To counter the false messages conveyed by the motion picture "The Da Vinci Code," the League prints 50,000 copies of a special "Divinity Code" Gospel cover that is eagerly shared by members. |
League membership grows to 165,000, with hundreds of members involved in the new Evangelism Boot Camp program designed to help them learn how to share their faith. |
The League introduces web banners that members can place on their web sites and blogs, with built-in referrals, to encourage more Christians to share their faith. |
The Impact Club is launched by the League, tracking member referrals and recognizing members who have encouraged other Christians to share their faith. |
A new ESV edition of the Gospel of John is introduced for the first time, providing a new translation choice for members. |
The USs population reaches 300 million based on a United States Census Bureau projection. |
Since the decade began, members have shared more than 32,000 stories on the League web site, as well as hundreds of prayer requests. |