On September 25, 1975 US president Gerald Ford penned this letter in support of the work of the League. Printed on White House stationery, it reads:
September 25, 1975
It gives me special satisfaction to commend the valuable and inspiring work of the Pocket Testament League.
Since World War II your organization has freely distributed the Scriptures in many parts of the world. You have done this in a spirit of brotherhood and human compassion that has earned you the gratitude of countless individuals.
The Bible has always been a most important part of Ford family life. Many is the time that we have soufht solace and comfort in its ageless passages, and we know that the same must also be true for the many other families to whom you have made the Bible available through your program.
My family joins me at this time in sending you our very best wishes for every future success.
Signed, Gerald R. Ford
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