This Book is Alive is a powerful new small group study that dives deep into the Word of God, helping you reach your full potential based on proven scriptural principles.
Small Group Curriculum
This Book is Alive is a powerful, dynamic small group study. Everything you need for your group is available on this website, absolutely free. Click the button below to start your exploration of God’s Plan for Your Life.
Discuss your insights
Our online community can make connecting with your small group or studying on your own a much more fruitful and rewarding experience. Each lesson in this program gives you the ability to discuss your thoughts and insights with others. Here are some examples:
- Week 2: God's Peace For Your Life:Why would being connected to God bring you peace?
- Week 2: God's Peace For Your Life: How do you get connected to God?
- Week 6: God's Power In Your Life: What is holding you back from actively sharing your faith?
- Week 1: God's Plan For Your Life: What is the relationship between planting seeds and harvesting a crop?
Get started now! >>
Small Group Supplies

Are you hosting a small group study based on This Book is Alive?Pocket Testaments are available to help your group grow and flourish in the Word.
Too busy for Bible Study?

Join millions of people who interact with God’s Word online. We pray you will be inspired to Read, Carry and Share God’s Word.