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A course designed to help you learn how to share your faith

Evangelism Boot Camp

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We want to make it easy for you to share your faith in Christ. Many people are nervous or timid about talking with others about spiritual things. But when you learn to overcome that hesitation, your life is transformed and you discover that it is easier -- and more rewarding -- than you ever thought. We created this unique program to help you learn how to share your faith with others.

Our Evangelism Boot Camp is a FREE 7-part online training course. It's a self-paced program, so you can take as long as you need to complete. Whether you're a long-time Christian or someone who has just decided to follow Christ, these seven lessons will help you get comfortable handing out Gospels. Before long, you'll be sharing your faith with ease and your life will be richly blessed through these sharing experiences.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"
—Isaiah 52:7

How Boot Camp Works

Each lesson is sent to you by E-mail. Lessons consist of Scripture, a story from a League member, a brief study, a couple of questions and a practical exercise designed to gradually move you from simple sharing efforts to actual life-transforming conversations.

You can take as long as you like with each one. You should be able to go through a lesson in just a few minutes. The practical sharing exercises will take a bit longer, depending on your unique lifestyle.

When you have finished a lesson, click the "lesson completed" button at the bottom of your E-mail and the next lesson will be sent to you automatically, with a chance to review answers to the last one. In some cases, you'll even have the opportunity to share your experiences with other members going through the same exercise!

Personalized Certificate

Note: If you've completed this program, click here to access your course certificate or review past lessons (login required)