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1 Corinthians 16
Throughout the first fifteen chapters of 1 Corinthians, Paul has been responding to a church in conflict and confusion. In this final sixteenth chapter, he will cover a variety of topics. Paul begins with a discussion regarding the collection of an offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem, and then follows with opportunities and opposition; watching and praying; and concludes with conduct of the church. We find the whole church is in view.
One of the best tests of doctrine is how the church translates what it has been taught into specific actions. In Chapter 16, Paul will test the Corinthians as he tells them exactly what he wants them to do. Make no mistake about it; this is exam time for the Church at Corinth. Have they learned their lessons well? Will they apply what they've been taught? Will they accept Paul's leadership, direction and correction?
What we do says a lot about our faith. Do you simply read Biblical principles, or do you put them into practice regularly in your daily life? How can you do so today? Make a list of three teachings we've discussed in the previous chapter. How can you apply them this week?
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Pocket Devotions are written by Mike Brooks. A retired businessman, he is Moderator of South Shores church, leads the Deacon Board, serves on the finance committee, and he teaches a Men's Bible study and the Men's Ministry. Mike has a passion for evangelical missions. He is the husband of Sherry; the father of Ryan, Natalie, Krissy, Rebecca, and Amanda; the father-in-law of Ariel; and the grandfather of Conner and Christian.