League Member? Sign In now or Join the League. Membership is free!

Multiply your personal ministry through the Impact Club

A fun way to involve others

Impact Club Leaderboard

The Impact Club rewards your efforts to recruit others as active members of the League, so that more Gospels are shared and more people reached for Jesus Christ. Unlike other clubs that you have to join, you're automatically a member of the Impact Club as soon as you encourage friends to join The Pocket Testament League.

Please sign in now if you'd like to see your own current placing in the Impact Club!

The top 5 members in each Impact Club level currently are:

Individual League Members

Bronze leaders

Ashley L., (3)

Jacob L., (3)

Huong B., (2)

Huminatu B., (2)

Brad B., (2)

more Bronze...

Silver leaders

Josh W., (22)

more Silver...

Gold leaders

more Gold...

Platinum leaders

more Platinum...

Levels are achieved with the following number of signups:
Bronze: 2, Silver: 10, Gold: 35, Platinum: 60

League Speaker Reps and Pastors

Bronze leaders

more Bronze...

Silver leaders

more Silver...

Gold leaders

more Gold...

Platinum leaders

more Platinum...

Levels are achieved with the following number of signups:
Bronze: 15, Silver: 35, Gold: 75, Platinum: 125

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